Available late March through October


Store, refrigerated, with the greens removed in a plastic bag for up to a month. Store the greens in their own bag; they’re delish wilted into eggs or sautéed with garlic for a grain bowl.


-Slice, shave, quarter or halve for a crunchy salad, taco, toast, or porridge topper.

-Quick Pickle, for the same use as above. Black peppercorns and ginger are a tasty addition to your base brine.

-Cut in half, toss in olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roast in a 425° oven till golden brown, about 15-20 minutes. Toss with melted butter and spices of your choice and roast for 5 more minutes.

-Sauté in a skillet ‘til deeply browned and tender. Drizzle with lemon juice, season with salt and pep, and top with fried capers and parsley. A little parm would be tasty, so would bread crumbs.